A downloadable game

The Four Corners Survival is a top down shooter game where the goal is to survive for as long as possible. While surviving you must also rack up score by defeating enemies which consist of zombies and monsters.

The game has a very bullet hell style feel to it especially due to its difficulty which ramps up substantially as time goes on longer.

The game is very simple at its base, all you must do is kill the enemies while avoiding their attacks. There are two types of enemies. Firstly, zombies, zombies are close range attackers and if they touch your player you will lose a substantial amount of health points. The second enemy is the eyeball monsters. These monsters are ranged attackers and fire a laser directed at the player once every three seconds. These lasers are fast but not impossible to dodge, especially via the dash ability which can be activate via space bar. It is important not to hold this ability down as loss of control can easily get you killed. 

The difficulty of the game comes from the ever increasing waves of enemies which are on set spawn timers. You can survive for quite a long time but the difficulty starts to increase quickly as time goes on. You can prolong your survival via the health packs which are  dropped from the enemies.


Movement - W,A,S,D

Aim - Mouse

Fire Blasters - Left Click

Fire Rocket - Right Click

Dash - Spacebar

Pause - Escape

The Game can be downloaded via the zip file above for Windows PCs.

The game was made using the Unity Engine.


The Four CornersAlpha Build.zip 52 MB

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